Espresso kava mehkega, sladkega okusa s pridihom likerja, blage „čokoladne“arome, fine in uravnotežene kislosti.
Sestavine: 80%arabica, 20% robusta
Stopnja praženosti: Srednja
Organoleptične lasnosti:
- krema * * * * *
- intenziteta * * * *
- bogatost * * * * *
- aroma * * * *
- sladkost * * * *
Pakiranje: 100/1 kapsule kompatibilne z aparati *Lavazza ® espresso point
*Lavazza ®, *Espresso Point ® and *Lavazza Espresso Point ® are brands owned by Luigi Lavazza S.p.A. ®.
Kamareta commerce d.o.o. is an independent producer not connected to Luigi Lavazza S.p.A. ®.
The compatibility of these capsules are for the functional use with home coffee machines by Lavazza ® Espresso Point ®.